A downloadable module

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A hex crawl through a psychedelic nebula. Discover an ancient expedition to the nebula, meet space pirates and discover creatures of the interstellar void.

The Last Nebula is a light 8-page sci-fi horror hex crawl compatible with the Mothership RPG (Tuesday Knight Games), or usable with your favorite sci-fi tabletop RPG system. Works well with one-shots as well as a part of a longer campaign.

  • Maps of The Last Nebula
  • Random table for travelling in the nebula
  • Space pirates, space whale and a space station

Art by Beeple: https://www.beeple-crap.com/

Get mothership at: https://tuesdayknightgames.itch.io/mothership-players-survival-guide

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(4 total ratings)
Tagscolours, Hexcrawl, Horror, mothership, nebula, Sci-fi, Space


Buy Now$5.00 USD or more

In order to download this module you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5 USD. You will get access to the following files:

lastnebulamap.pdf 6.3 kB
nebulamap_colour.png 1.1 MB
lastnebula - print pages.pdf 41 MB
lastnebula - print.pdf 42 MB

Community Copies

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Community Copies

You can grab a copy for free if you want to start playing now, but don't have any spare credits at the moment. Or for any other reason, I won't judge :)

Development log


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Hey there, is this compatible with the 1e ruleset or is this 0e?

0e for now! I’ll clarify it the description soon

(1 edit)

Thank you!  I look forward a possible future update.  :)

Will there ever be a physical release of this? I'd love to add it to my shelf of mothership zines!

They will hopefully be in stock soon at TKG! (i can imagine they are busy right now with the kickstarter and all)

yay! I’ll pick it up there!

Is page 12 how the unknown creature looks like? Or does it look like something out of Starcraft Zergs' campaign? Amazing art :-)


Doesn’t look like anything to me… ;)

Love the aesthetic!


Thank you! I’m glad you enjoy it as much as I do :)