A downloadable game

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Last Year

You are guests at an extremely fancy hotel. You are here this summer to rest, take a break from the outside world. You are strangers to each other, yet you both realize there is danger lurking the halls of this place. You have to remember what happened last year. Last year will hold the answers to your survival.

Last Year is a No Dice No Masters game. You will need some writing materials and something to represent tokens.

CW: This game deals with loss of memory, recalling past traumatic events, reconstructing memories and related themes.

Created for the One-Page Jam 2021

similar games:

facing the menace

Is a guided play supplement included in your purchase of last year. It adds acts and threats that help set scenes, gain (and lose tokens) during your game.

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(31 total ratings)
Tagsadaptation, bob, Co-op, Horror, last-year, memory, ndnm, past, trauma, Two Player


Buy Now$2.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $2 USD. You will get access to the following files:

last year.pdf 1.4 MB
last year - full.pdf 2.9 MB
last year - menace.pdf 1.5 MB

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I just played this rpg and it was so much fun! Everything from the prompts the art style was awesome, and I can't wait to play again!

A very small role-playing game inspired by Belonging Outside Belonging and especially Thursday; you play as two holidaygoers in a hotel who are trying to remember what they did there last year. It has a good Last Year at Marienbad vibe to it, and I was totally won over by Last Year, wich, in two pages (and with a really nice layout) manages to evoke a lot more than many other games in dozens of chapters!


Merci :)

Hello ! Your game sounds great. I really want to play it. So many David Lynch vibes

thank you! Lynch’s work is always a great inspiration of mine :)